I'd have to admit that I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to celebrating lovers' day although I'm aware that V-Day is blatantly commercialised. I absolutely adore how guys shower their gfs with such cliched act of love - spanning from overpriced bouquets & chocolates to candle-lit dinner at you-name-it romantic places - that my mind becomes so clouded by the fact that all these are ridiculous. Unshamely speaking, every girl (including me) just want to be pampered at least once in a lifetime; in a ridiculous way by their bfs declaring their undying love. This is a sad truth for the guys. XD
For this year, I felt there's a need to note down my V-Day celebration with my dear WL. Reason being I've been pampered...ridiculously XD. Haha. Now that I've eternalised it in my blog, it's something that I can cherish in the future in case my poor memory wears off as age catches up. Not too bad, eh? ^^
1. Flowers
This can never go wrong as the perfect gift for a girl, for V-Day or not. Be it one stalk, bouquet or the whole rose garden (okay, a lil' exaggerating). It's undeniably a romantic gesture. Behind every stalk or bouquet lies a wonderful story, or so I believe. Here's my story...WL added a personal touch through the way he presented the bouquet to me. While driving, he casually told me to pick up his jacket that fell behind the seat. Fyi, his jacket was usually hung over the driver's seat. When I reached for it, I was puzzled as to why it became so heavy & only realising that there were green & yellow ribbons peeking out underneath. Beautiful, isn't it?

You couldn't imagine how thrilled I was. Not only it was my first time receiving a bouquet from a bf but it was also his first time buying flowers for his gf. What's even more amazing is that he bought it at midnight, Feb 14. This must've cost a bomb! I was close to bursting into tears when he did this but fearing of smudging my mascara, I didn't. I kissed him instead when the car came to a stop at the traffic lights. ♥
2. Arcade centre
I decided to give WL a surprise since the supposedly movie outing couldn't materialise due to his hectic schedule. After all, watching a movie on V-Day seemed too common. Believe it or not, I took him to the arcade centre at Pyramid. Yes, of all places! Honestly, we felt too old to be in such places; noticing that many youths way younger than us crowding around the gaming machines. He was incredibly surprised, I tell ya. Haha. Watching my cousin bro play videogames has been my part-time hobby since young. So it's only natural that I watched while WL got busy with his game. Observing him reveal his youthful side & childlike smile really tickled my heart. In fact, I felt very much in love with him when his innocence emerged from all those witty & at times brotherly figure he had portrayed all this while. So it's true that ppl still stay young at heart even when they reach the 40s. I could see that he clearly enjoyed his brief gaming session in which I gladly obliged to accompany him ^^.
3. Candle-lit dinner
Since it was my turn to plan for V-Day (he organised for Chap Goh Mei aka Chinese V-Day XD), I selected this Spanish restaurant located at USJ9. A huge change from our usual hangout place at 1U. As a token of appreciation & love for everything he had done for me, I paid for the bill. This is a twist from the usual guy paying for all the bills that night. The restaurant ambience was cosy & romantic with love ballads playing softly through the night.

Food was pretty good but it's a pity that the menu was limited to V-Day sets only. Pricey~ -_-" I was hoping to try their signature that many blog reviewers were so hoo-haa about. Tough luck. The restaurant owners were indeed very hospitable & courteous as well as attentive to every diner's needs. I would've asked for wine if only the price didn't skyrocket that night (yeah, yeah dream on...). I mean, how often do I get to have a booze with him? And he'd probably forbid me from having even a sip cuz I ain't much of a drinker. Hehe. A long good talk we had, just like our humble beginnings at Italiannies. The gaze, the smile...everything we felt for each other.
For all I know, I arrived home at midnight. The latest that I've ever spent with a guy. It's surprising to know that none of my family was ringing like usual to get me home asap. And of course, it's not to say that I did anything fishy with WL but we had long hugs & kisses together. As days passed, we realised how important each of us are. How our feelings have evolved from liking to loving one another when initially he had doubts on whether we would be able to last till this date especially dating with someone like me who's so young. I believe those uncertainties are no longer hinder us in any way. It's the matter of the willingness to share & be honest to each other. Communication is the key...and I'm praying hard all would go well for us. I'm asking no more than that.