Of all days, my grandpa's car decided to break down this afternoon...about 30 mins before I left for uni. The battery died for good -_-". For the first time, I had to take a cab to uni cuz I was in a hurry. What's more, my aunt couldn't leave the office & arrive home on time to fetch me. Grandma got me a cab & off I went.
Unfortunately, the cabbie was as talkative as ever; insisting on taking the NPE route to Subang instead of Federal Highway. But I chose Federal Highway though there was traffic jam. Heck, as if I dunno that he wanna earn more by taking the further route. Who's so dumb to deliberately turn around & travel to one end; then travel back to the other end of the road? So free, meh?? -_-" Look, he was kind enough to share tips on avoiding cheating cabbies. But most of the time, I was praying hard that he'll stop complaining about the jam. Sheesh~
So, I arrived at uni safe & sound at the cost of RM8.90. Yes, it's expensive but considered cheap when compared to cabbies who doesn't charge according to the metre device. It would've cost more if I got on to a taxi without insisting the use of metres. I'm glad that I wasn't ripped off, after all. *phew*
It seemed all the unfortunate events came one after another. I was supposed to bring something for Statistics class later. Indeed, I have totally forgotten about that. To add on to my blurness, I was mumbling in between my pau lunch - trying to figure out the word linear programming in Malay cuz I remembered learning it back in high school (in which I found out within mins that it's called pengaturcaraan linear) - yet still ignorant about THAT item. I was also telling myself that we're gonna draw GRAPHS today! XD
Management class ended an hour early so me & Teema headed off to Starbucks to chill out. Note that there's a stationery shop next to Starbucks. You have no idea how I ignorant was about the need to bring something to class later. It was only after I entered Statistics class & saw Wilson holding pieces of graph paper...*gasps* AHHH!!! GRAPH PAPERS!!! How can I forget them?! Me & Teema rushed to buy them while reminding other classmates on the way. Everyone forgot about them -_-".
It was a waste of money to pay RM1.90 since I already had a graph book. Oh well, I left it at home so nothing can be done. Blame it on my forgetful habits. What an eventful day today! Btw, I couldn't help but kept on laughing with cousin bro about my stupidity while on the way home. Lo & behold, the blurness~ XD
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