Monday, December 11, 2006

Got a call from my grandaunt that my granduncle passed away early this morning. His liver cancer was beyond cure & he died upon reaching the hospital. It was a shocking news for all of us. Only a week ago, my family visited him at his house. He was already weak at that time but there was still some energy in his speech. Sadly, I didn't get to see for the last time cuz I went to PC Fair that day.

I could hardly believe that his cancer is in the final stage. At the moment, he's in the waiting list for surgery to remove the tumour in his liver (govt hospital, that's why). I guess he couldn't wait any longer as the cancer is already in the critical stage. Perhaps an early detection would've save his life but I doubt that he went for a proper scan to check for tumours. I assumed he only depended on normal normal checkups. You know, those monthly checkups to test for high blood pressure, diabetes & so on.

My advice is...go for a thorough scan to check for any illness if there's any changes in the body. Sometimes diseases won't show up until the final stage but that would be too late for treatments. Cut down on alcoholic drinks cuz it kills your liver. The best is don't take at all. My granduncle was a heavy drinker so that explains the cancer. Hear me, ppl?

It is a great loss for all of us. Though I don't have any fond memories of him as I only meet him once in a blue moon or during festive ocassions. Despite all that, he left an impression on me. A great speaker, he is was. He spoke like those DJs on radio with deep voice & well-refined language. Mum told me that he used to be a story-teller/narrator in Redifusion (now known as 98.80FM). A great talent, right? Anyways, Dad said my granduncle's life has come to end & it's time for him to leave the world. Therefore...we should accept his death, say our prayers & move on. I guess Dad is right, in a way.

Dear Granduncle,
May you rest in peace. Fond memories of you will be cherished & remembered always. God bless...